
Hello, I'm very glad you've paid me a visit. Now I'll share the secret of how I came to add yet another tea blog to the millions already out there...


What can be better than a cat and a cup of tea?

Tea and Me  

I spend much of my time blogging, for myself and other people. My interests are varied, and often include a fascination for cats and loose-leaf tea. But why did I choose to write about tea?


Who doesn't love tea?


Tea and Originality

A couple of years ago, we were debating whether anything so well documented as tea could ever be written about in such a way that it might further enhance the reader's enjoyment of the subject. Our conclusion? Perhaps...

I started off writing about tea tips, but somehow, the blog began evolving, and suddenly it had taken on a life of its own. During my research, the odd tales that occur in tea's history were constantly appearing. 

I found them fascinating and couldn't resist including them in the posts. I hope you find them just as interesting. But now for the crucial question...


Novelty teaware includes a tea for one set


Tea and Time

Has my blog contributed anything new to the world of tea brewing and beautiful teapots?

Who knows? But it was fun trying! Take a quick look through some of the posts and see what you think...


Time for tea

Blog Post © Emma - Stories about Tea